Perfil Público


Dr. Amir Dario Maldonado Arce Maestro de Tiempo Completo   SNII 2

Publicaciones Listado de las ultimas publicaciones de investigación científica

Microstruture and Hydrophobicity of the External Surface of a Sonoran Desert Beetle (2022)
Reproductive cycle of sea urchin Echinometra vanbrunti (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from the Gulf of California (2022)
Fatty Acid Profile and Proximate Composition of Gonads from Wild Echinometra vanbrunti during an Annual Cycle: Suitability for Human Consumption (2021)
Insights into the Structural Features, Conformational Stability and Functional Activity of the Olneya tesota PF2 Lectin (2021)